Azeen A.Khan

Azeen A. Khan is a licensed psychoanalyst with a private practice in Manhattan, New York City. Her analytic orientation is informed by the work of Sigmund Freud and the teachings of Jacques Lacan, as elaborated by Jacques-Alain Miller and other members of the schools of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). She is a member of the Lacanian Compass, an associated group of the New Lacanian School (NLS), one of the seven schools comprising the WAP. She is currently the clinical coordinator for the New York site of the Lacanian Compass and is on the Scientific Committee for Clinical Study Days 16. She completed her psychoanalytic training from the National Psychological Association of Psychoanalysis (NPAP), where she is a training analyst and faculty member. She teaches clinical seminars at psychoanalytic training institutes, and most recently taught at the National Training Program in Contemporary Psychoanalysis (NTP), National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP), and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.
She is also an Assistant Professor of English in the Department of English & Creative Writing at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. She received her PhD in English and a graduate certificate in Feminist Studies from Duke University. Prior to joining Dartmouth College, she was a Nancy L. Buc Postdoctoral Fellow at the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown University. Representative essays from her book manuscript, Not Without Remainder: Psychoanalysis, Postcolonialism, and the Era of the Other that does not Exist, can be found in Boundary2 and differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies. At Dartmouth College, she teaches seminars in postcolonial theory and literature (from Africa, South Asia, and the Caribbean), Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, and feminist and critical theory.